lalalala... i am a string of words wandering about on this website

Welcome to my Deftones website...






Deftones' albums!

Here's a list and links to Deftones' discography.
In chronological order! O_o If you're new to this band, I very much suggest you listen to White Pony first.

Adrenaline (1995)

Deftones' first studio album, released 6 years after they got together. In old interviews from this era there were frequent mentions of them being compared to Korn and Rage Against the Machine, I assume it's something to do with the release date... Personally I don't think so. This album I consider to be the most disconnected from Deftones' discography, though it's still great. (=^__^=)

Link to a 1994 demo of Adrenaline's 6th track, Root!

Around the Fur (1997)

Chino's favorite Deftones album! Around the Fur went where Adrenaline wanted to go, and showed people a more melodic side of the band. This is the album with my absolute FAVORITE era. I definitely think that I have the most Around the Fur related videos... This did really well in the U.K. compared to the U.S.? Maybe? There were a lot of Dutch television programs on Deftones around that time.

Link to the Around the Fur EPK!

White pony (2000)

Released in 2000, re-released in 2001 with the single "Back to School (Mini Maggit)" as the first track. As the re-release wasn't a decision made by Deftones but instead their record label, I'm linking the original version. Deftones' best selling album. When I think critically about it, White Pony is my favorite. :-) If I were to talk any longer about it, we'd be here all day.

Here's a link to an incredible video on the album if you're interested!!! (^w^)

Deftones [Self Titled] (2003)

Often called Deftones' heaviest album. I don't exactly agree, but one thing I adore from it is indeed it's heavyness. (-v- ) This is an album made during the "dark days" of Deftones. What I find amazing about this is that despite the members were in such grim places, and hardly putting in any passion to the album, it still came out great. I don't see people talk about Self Titled enough.

A video from the album sessions with Chino!

Saturday Night Wrist (2006)

Recorded during the afformentioned "dark days" as well. I find the story behind this album to be quite interesting. This is probably one of the most texturally diverse albums in Deftones' discography. My second or third favorite from the band.

This is a video about the previously mentioned story behind Saturday Night Wrist

Diamond Eyes (2010)

An album that I feel is pulsing with optimisim, most likely due to hope the band held onto for Chi's recovery. Though outside of that the themes of love, connection and discovery are still present.. At least to me. Before this, the album "Eros" was being worked on around (this is an assumption) 2008-2009. It was dropped and eventually, when Chi was caught in a car accident, they needed someone to replace him as bassist. They contacted their long-time friend Sergio Vega to fill the role. My memory's a bit hazy on the details, so forgive me if I'm wrong, but I remember Chino saying in a podcast that this wasn't exactly a planned album. Deftones were just making music and before they knew it, they had Diamond Eyes.

Interview with Abe and Chino

Koi No Yokan (2012)

My first ever Deftones album! I definitely think Koi No Yokan sort of solidified the "modern Deftones" sound, if there is such a thing.

A 2012 interview with Chino and Abe that I found fun to watch (^__^ )

Gore (2016)

Gore is definitely one of the most memorable Deftones albums I have listened to. I haven't gone back to it recently though, so I can't say a lot. Very solemn, yearning, pink.

A fanmade video for Gore's fifth track, Hearts/Wires. Probably my favorite song out of the record, and a very lovely video!

Ohms (2020)

Deftones' latest album. I never actually got around to listening to it when it first came out, but I adore it. Very dim luscious imagery presented through the instrumental, and expanded on further with Chino's unorthodox lyrics. I'm sure this album is well-recieved, but since there has been a recent spike in the popularity of Around the Fur it's rare to see people talk about it.

The music video for Ohms' second track, Ceremony.

Like Linus (1993)

Not an official album but rather a collection of demos put together by a fan (or so I've heard). The difference in their sound during this time is really crazy to hear! SO DON'T LISTEN TO IT IF YOU HAVEN'T LISTENED TO DEFTONES BEFORE!!!! @__@ ...Still, a lot of good songs on here. ^_^

This website is not affiliated with Deftones or Maverick Records. Last updated August 2nd 2021.

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